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/ Money in the 90s (1994 Edition) / Money In the 90s.iso / picture2 / 0692c42a.shg (.png) < prev    next >
Segmented Hypergraphics Bitmap  |  1994-03-08  |  206KB  |  522x440  |  8-bit (245 colors)
Labels: bulletin board | monitor | sky | vegetarianism
OCR: LEADING CAR LOANS IN THE LARGEST METRO AREAS Rateasol Ter Marimum Monthi Telephon Region Institution Apri30 months %of price paymenl number Atlanta Fidefhtationas 9.0% 48 80 $249 404-371-5500 Baitimore Natiors3antk TC 36 85 313 301. -659. -20C3 Boston State 9.0 60 7P 208 617-654-4111 Chicago Lateshore Nat tona 88 60 75 205 312-787 1900 Clereland Harizor 48 81 251 216-765-1 1100 Dallas Nortir 8.0 36 91 313 214-387 1300 Derver Aff.tedNaional 7.9 60 80 202 303-455-2000 Detroit FistSaTE Bank 98 48 85 247 313-775-5000 Houston Pretered Sarings 8.5 60 80 205 713-556-6443 Los Angeles 9.5 36 80 320 213-625 4700 Miami FistUron Natiorat 9.5 60 g0 210 305. 789. 5000 Minueapolis Mexopoltan Fegera 9.0 60 90 208 612-673 .1500 New Yark city Anagamate Bank 9.9 48 83 253 212-255 -6200 N.New Jersey Prov iden ...